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Fusion Chicken Curry - Without coconut oil

TasteTellTales:  As I mentioned in the introduction, my MIL's recipe don't necessary incorporate coconut oil like their malayali versions. Hence, this 1st fusion non veg recipe of this blog.  My super-religious-recently-turned-vegetarian MIL vouches for the importance of including chicken in kids diet at least once a week. She doesn't believe in the already cut pieces that are available in market and insists on selecting the chicken (preferable Desi/naati which takes slightly more time to cook than the hybrid variety as the flesh of the latter is stiffer) herself and getting the whole piece, to be relished by the entire family for 2 days. Alright, lets just jump to the recipe... Ingredients:  Basic Ingredients Chicken : 500 gms, whole, cut pieces Onion : 2, big Garlic : 12-15  Ginger : 3 inch  (make a ginger garlic paste) Green Chilly : 4-5, adjust as per your taste bud tolerance . btw, for us, the spicier, the better! Chicken Masala Cloves/Laung/Karayaamboovu /Grambu - 6/7

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